A Little Rough… But I Turned it Around

Yesterday was my first day at the new school. I was really nervous. Dad walked me in the front door. We sat in the lobby and waited for my teacher to be ready to start the day. After a while, the lady at the front desk walked me down to my classroom.

In the middle of the day, I went to the nurse’s office. I had a headache. She let me sit in her office for a little bit. She gave me a glass of juice and a snack.

At the end of the day, the classroom aide walked me out to the front desk where my dad was waiting. I told him that I had a bit of a rough day. After school, Dad took me to the library. I wanted to get The Incredibles movie. They didn’t have it, so we got a Narnia movie instead and a couple of books for me to read.

Dad got a call from my new teacher while we were at the library. Dad got really upset because I wanted to press the elevator buttons while he was talking to my teacher. When we got home, he told me that I couldn’t play any electronics for that day. I was sad. WillyPock

Yesterday was Willy’s first day at his new school. I don’t know who was more nervous. It was a big change. We had to leave the house nearly an hour earlier than before. We had to walk into a new environment. I was – and continue to be – really nervous that he won’t understand the “token” economy the school uses to achieve behavior modification.

As I waited for him at the end of the day, I could hear him laughing and giggling before I saw him. He greeted me with his usual captivating smile and the typical refrain of “I had a bit of a rough start, but I turned it around.” That is usually what I would hear when seeing him after his days at Windsor School. Hopefully, we will get to a point where an entire day can be “turned around”.

Because he tried to “elope” from the classroom on a couple of occasions yesterday, Willy will not be able to take “social” lunch in the lunchroom today. He will eat in his classroom. I’m not sure that he quite understands the connection yet.

His homework was also much more challenging than anything he has received from Windsor School. He will have weekly spelling tests at the new school. Yesterday, he was given a pre-test on 5 words. We practiced spelling those words out loud when we got home yesterday afternoon. Michel worked on writing them with him in the evening after dinner. I don’t know if he is going to be able to spell any of them during Friday’s test.

During the call with his teacher yesterday afternoon, it was clear that the new school is going to be much more matter-of-fact about the expectations and his abilities. Maybe this is what he needs. Maybe it will be too high a bar for Will to clear. WJP 

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